Are CVs still necessary in the modern job market?
There is often debate as to whether your LinkedIn profile is now replacing your traditional CV.
The commentary regarding this is still mixed, however, whichever you favour, telling a good story is what’s important.
This video starts off with the into that “A good resume will help tell your story but only if you have a good story to tell!”
This is what is most important.
Make sure you cut to the chase and communicate the relevant information to your job application.
Watch the video below to see what makes a good story
This includes:
Good choices – logical explanations
Company and people over product and compensation
Measurable accomplishments and promotion
Credible transitions and moves
Recognised mentors and references
Ability and desire to do what someone needs to be done.
It finishes off with how to tell your story well
I would agree about “a simple chronological CV or Profile, that says what you did, when you did it, who you did it for, what the results were and what happened to you as a result.”
It’s worth a watch if you are currently exploring other opportunities.